Worship Schedule:
Sunday Worship Service: 9:00 AM
Sunday School and Adult Bible Study: 10:30 AM
(Recorded videos of past worship services can be seen using the "Worship Videos" link above)
You and your family are welcome to join us for worship so that you might hear God's Word', find comfort and encouragement in Jesus' promises, and grow in your relationship with the Lord.
We use a "liturgical" order of service in our worship services at Emmanuel. This means that we follow a set order of worship in which we use readings from the Bible, hymns, and prayers to guide us as we praise our God. The order of service is based on a church calendar that follows the life of Jesus (December -- May) and our response to all that God has done for us (June -- November).
We believe that God's Word guides us in all that we do in our daily lives. For that reason, God's Word is the highlight of our worship. Through it our faith in God is strengthened and our love for him grows. We strive to honor God with lives that obey his will.
You are always welcome to worship with us! God's love sent Jesus to be the Savior of all people. Please join us to learn more about God and all that he does for us.
Members of Emmanuel support our ministry through their free-will offerings.
If you are interested in contributing to our ministy, you can use the "Give Now" link in the upper right-hand corner of our homepage.